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Deal Origination Investment Banking

trusted overview of iDeals Board software

Deal origination investment banking is a key aspect of the work of capital market professionals because they assist their companies to find clients that are worth their time and generate leads. They are also responsible for making sure that their company knows about all the current transactions and is ready to bid on an opportunity when it comes up.

This process is often very time-consuming and resource-intensive, and many firms are either outsourcing a portion of their deal origination tasks to contracted specialists or establishing a full in-house teams that are dedicated to this endeavor. Automated software such as SlyBroadcast is also a useful tool in this scenario. They let companies follow up with their clients through sending non-intrusive automated voice messages (i.e. pre-recorded messages) to their contacts, and letting them know about any new opportunities.

The traditional method of deal sourcing relies on a firm’s existing client relationships and its standing in the investor community outbound deal sourcing is a modern method that involves making the list of leads and directly contacting them. This type of deal sourcing, which is usually carried out by specialized investment firms is more likely produce quantifiable results.

Investment bankers can’t continue to rely on outdated technologies tools, processes, and tools. Failure to be able to adapt to new tools and technologies could cause a loss of competitive advantage and also the possibility of being outclassed by more agile competitors. Fortunately, modern investment banks are making the most of private intelligence platforms and other advanced technologies to streamline data collection, increase workflows, transform data into proprietary advantages and much more.

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